Where We Find Gospel Rest in Our Triune God


At King’s Cross Church our ministry focus is built on four pillars each understood through the lens of Soli Deo Gloria.

Pillar I: Confessional Baptist

➢ We are a Baptist church with a Reformed  theological perspective who adopt the following Historic Creeds: Apostles, Athanasian, Chalcedonian, and Nicene.

➢ We affirm the doctrines of historic Christian orthodoxy as captured in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

➢ We stand firmly on the succinct assertion – “Salvation is of the Lord”.  As such, we affirm the Doctrines of Grace  (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Definite Atonement, Effectual Calling and Preserving Grace) as well as the Five Solas (Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria).

➢In addition, we affirm the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, the Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel, and the Nashville Statement.

Pillar II: Expository Preaching 

➢ From the First Adam to the Last Adam (Rom. 5:12-21I Cor.15:21-23), the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for fallen man (Matt. 4:23-25Lk.1:68-79John 14:6Acts 2:384:12Rom.10:9-10I Cor 3:1115:3-19). Thus, as the Holy Scriptures reveal from Genesis to Revelation, we preach Christ crucified (I Cor 1:23). 

➢ We believe the preaching of the full counsel of God’s Word is a primary means of grace (Lk. 24:27Acts 20:27II Tim. 3:15-16). 

➢ As we believe in the inspiration, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture to guide the Christian walk (Ps. 119:105II Tim 3:16-17), we exposit Scripture verse by verse. While all preaching must stand on the foundation of sound doctrine (I Tim. 6:3Ti. 2:1), we also see great value in edifying the Lord’s people through intentional application of Scripture for faith and practice (Matt. 7:21Lk. 8:21Phil 2:12I Tim 4:15II Tim. 3:15Hebrews 6:1Jas. 1:19-25). 

Pillar III: The Local Church 

➢ Christ is the head of the church (Eph. 1:225:22Col 1:18). As such, the plurality of elders serve as under shepherds to the local church (Matt. 20:25Mk. 10:42II Cor. 1:24I Pet. 5:3-4). 

➢ We stand with the historic church in family style worship. While we see value in purposeful youth fellowship opportunities, the corporate gathering on the Lord’s Day is for the entire family unit (Deut. 31:12Ps. 34:11Neh. 8:1-3Ez. 10Eph: 6:1-3). 

➢ Discipleship through the local church aim is to equip the saints for works of service to build unity of and in the faith (I Cor. 12:27Eph. 2:104:12,16). Under the leadership of elders, the body of Christ will use their gifting, rooted in life-on-life relationships, to edify one another in the practical application of sound doctrine and ministry towards those in need (Acts 20:17-38Ti. 1:5I Pet. 5:1-5). 

Pillar IV: The Great Commission 

➢ We understand the Great Commission to be a command of our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples in our local church, in our Las Vegas community, and abroad (Matt. 28:19-20Mk. 16:15Lk. 14:23Jn. 14:15Rom. 1:5). 

➢ Through the preaching of the Word and evangelism, our discipleship strategy is administering acts of mercy, partnering with like-minded ministries, and planting churches (Matt. 28:18-20Lk. 10:25-37Acts 4:34-35,14:21-23Rom.1:16-17II Cor. 5:20Eph. 4:11I Thess. 3:12Jam. 2:15-17I Pet. 3:15I John 3:16-18).